Kenworth T600 – Part 1
Kenworth T600 – Part 1
The Kenworth T600 part 1. The start of a new built.
This built is kind of “new” to me. I mean, the scale is new to me. In the past I built in the scale 1:12, 1:24, and 1:25. But this is smaller.
The main reason for building in this scale is, that maybe the regular scale 1:24/1:25 maybe will not fit in my display cabinet. And I hope that this will fit in the display cabinet.
Some specifications of this model kit. It is from Revell. It has skill level 3 and has 61 parts. And it will be 25.6cm long. The height I am not sure yet, because this is not mentioned anywhere. Once the model is finished, I will know if it will fit in between the shelves.
This model is what they call a “curb-side” model. It is because there is no detailed engine in this model, and you cannot open the engine cover. The engine cover and the cab are all one piece. It looks nice on the curbside. You built it for the “looks” of the model. That is also the reason why it has lesser parts than the other models.
A Slow Start.
My original plan was, that at the beginning of 2023, I would start the build of this model. But my health took a turn for the worse. I ended up in the hospital for two months and everything came to a halt. At this moment, I am home again for just two weeks and I still need to take things easy/slow.
It was only today that I was a little bit in the mood to open the box and prepare things. Just sort things out and prepare all the paint that I would need for the model.
I don’t think that it will take long to finish this model, because of the number of parts. But we will see, and I am not in a hurry.
At first, I was in doubt if I would start with this model or start with one of the two Lego models I have in stock. But my last build was already a Lego model, so I decided to build this one first. Once this model is finished, I have some idea of how much space the model is taking up in the display cabinet and if it is enough, then maybe I will consider getting a truck in the scale 1:24/1:25.
Some Technical Side Notes.
Just before I ended up in the hospital, I suddenly noticed during looking around on the admin side of my web domain, that my “disk” or “storage” space was running low. I was surprised about this because this site only has a lot of pictures/images. And then it hit me. All the images that I was placing were high quality. And of course, that will take up space.
To still continue the way I am doing things, I need to change two things. The first is, I need to shrink the size of my images/pictures. But only the thought of me going thru all the images I already had placed here, was not something I was looking forward to. So from now on, for every image/picture I will place, I have to shrink it first, before I place it here.
Second, it looks like I need to upgrade my domain, so I get more storage space and I can continue placing more posts and images/pictures of the builds. One more advantage of upgrading my domain, it should get a little bit faster. But I don’t think that anyone will notice it. The other thing is, that if in case I forget to shrink the images/pictures, then it is not such a big problem. It is just something I need to get used to.
The first thing for this post and build is just done. The size of the images/pictures is smaller because I already shrink them.
So, without any further delay, here are the first images/pictures. (As always, just click on one image, to enlarge it and scroll thru them.)

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