58 Corvette Roadster – Part 1
58 Corvette Roadster – Part 1
It has been a while but after the Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Roadster, I started with the next model.
And I found out now, that this will be a challenge for me. And that is a little bit strange. In the past, I built many models in this scale. I forgot how small the parts are. I think it is also because the two models before, were all in a bigger scale.
I thought that the bigger scale would be a nice start. But now I started with the smaller scale, I find it a little bit difficult. Maybe it is just my imagination and I just need to get used to it. We will see how it goes during the build.
I am still in a doubt about, what color the model will be. I am thinking of leaving it white. But I already have one finished model in white. And I don’t think that too many models of the same color look nice. The color suggested on the box is a mixed color. This means that you need to mix the color yourself. It is not a ready-made color. I don’t have an airbrush so I could spray the model. And right now I don’t have any plans of getting one. One way then for me to color the model, is to get a spray can. I was thinking of red, but I already have two models in red. So right now, I am thinking of black with a red interior.
Right now I am still building the chassis, and for now, I don’t need to have the finished color in mind. We will see what it will be when the time is there.
The Engine.
The build starts with building the engine.
The parts are a bit small and that is why I think it will be a challenge. All the frames where the parts are on are white. So you are a little bit “forced” to paint all the parts. And also because the parts are small, you need to be a bit more careful. This will test my steady hand.
I know from the past, that the frames had different colors. Like black, gray, white, or red. So you could sometimes skip painting the parts. But with all these white parts, you need to do something.
It is strange that they switched to all parts in the same color frame. On one side I can understand why they did this. Because if you want to paint the model, the background can be important. At least with this white color, it is a little bit neutral and it will not shine through in the lighter colors. But as I said, now you are “forced” to paint the model.
This can get a challenge for people who start for the first time to build scale models. People could argue and say, “Then start with a lower level of difficulty”. But the difficulty level says more about the number of parts, than the difficulty of building the model.
Right now for me, I would prefer different brands. Like the model, I already had built from Italeri. They still have their frames in different colors.
Anyway, the engine is finished. Here are some pictures. I had placed a two-euro coin next to it, so you could see how small it is.
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