Welcome to PTJDEMAN Scale Models. The Happy Amature Builder.

Around the year 1990, I stopped (or had a break) from building plastic scale models. In March/April 2021, I started it again. I have to learn it all over again, but I think it is also like riding a bike. Once you know it, you will never forget it. But it will be a little bit to get used to again. I am just a beginner/amateur and for now, I don’t have any ambition to be a professional. I do this because I just like to build scale models. Maybe my models are not perfect, but that is fine by me. I do it for fun and joy.

I admire the models that are built by professionals/advanced builders, but I am also aware, I am not at that level. And I am not sure if I would like to reach that level. Everyone has his own level of comfort.

With this website/blog, I also would like to show, that no matter what your skill level is, everyone can do it.

In the “Blog/Builds” section you will find all the models that I have built. The plan is, that for every model, I place some pictures of the progress and maybe each build will be in several parts. In this section, I also will write something about building model kits. You can find those items by selecting “Blog” in the “Categories”.

To mix things up a little bit, I have decided to also show a LEGO built. It is something from my childhood and a while ago I bought my first LEGO after many many years.

Please browse around and if you have any remarks, you can leave them in the comments on the different pages. If you would like to contact me, then please use the contact form and I will try my best to answer you.

Update July 13, 2023

I have decided to move any updates, will be part of my Blog/Builds section. If you want to see all the updates only, then in the category section, just select Update(s). With updates I don’t mean any updates in regards to my models, but just general information about the website or future ideas.

Update 10-06-2023

I started something new. For the build of my next project, I started a test in filming the build. This first video is still a test, so things could change. I already posted the video on my FB profile, but now I also “re-activated” my Youtube channel. The plan is to film the built of this first model and hopefully, more will follow. On this site, I only will place the photos of the building, because videos will take up a lot of space. That’s why the videos will be placed on Youtube. You can find my channel HERE.

Update 01-05-2023

Today I added a new category. It is called “Review”. In this category, I will post about kit reviews. Today I placed the first review. It is about the 58 Corvette Roadster. This is my first time writing a review. I am just sharing my thoughts and experience with this kit. I hope you will like it. To read other reviews, in the category section, just select “Review” and all my reviews will be shown.

The “My Models” menu option should be complete now. In there, you can find all the models that I have or have built. When you click on the model title, you will go to a small detail page. On there, you can see the finished and some details of that model. At the bottom of the page, you can see all the posts on the building of that model.

Update 16-04-2023

After thinking and trying out different things, I think I am finally ready to make the changes to the site. For the regular visitor, you would have noticed that the menu has changed. Some menu options are gone and a new one had shown up.

I am still working on completing the list, but now I have placed all my models in the menu option “My Models”. Here you can find an overview of all the models that I have. This includes the models that I have in my inventory, that are in the progress of being built and the ones that are already finished.

This overview is sorted on the name of the model and it will show a short description. (This overview is still a work in progress.)

The menu options, Model List and Future Builts have been removed.

Update 10-04-2023

Two days after announcing that I would want to make some changes to my website, I ended up in the hospital for two months. Right now, I am slowly trying to pick up where I left off.

I will take my time to realize the changes, but I am not sure yet what those changes will be. If you want to receive any notification when I post a new update/blog/build, then you can leave your name and email address in the “Email Subscriber” box.

Update 01-01-2023

As of 01-01-2023, I have decided to change the site a little bit. Mainly some changes in the menu options.

My idea is to remove the “Future Builts” and make them into “My Models“. The idea for that is, that instead of showing the models I have in my inventory, I will show all the models that I have. The ones that I still need to build, and the ones that I already have built. Including a short intro to the model and some box art. Once the model is built, then I will show the box art and the finished model. I am also thinking of telling a little bit about the build and maybe I will place some links to the posts about that build.

In the “Model List“. This will be a quick overview of all the models I have. There you also can see the status of that model. Once the model is finished, I will place a link to that model in the “My Models” menu. So it will be easier and quicker to find out more about that model.

So, it is possible that suddenly things look different, but at least you know that it is a work in progress.


(As you maybe have read in one of the updates above, I also have a Youtube channel. You can find it HERE.)
(If you would like to read more from me, then check out my blog or check the About page here.)

My hobby, building scale models.
Photo by: Author

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